I See Beyond The Road I’m Driving

Ok…so two days, and one hour late on posting but I come bearing excellent news!

After a VERY long, and VERY expensive journey, I received news today that I have been granted my Partner Visa!!  I think I read, and re-read, the email at least 10 times. It still feels incredibly surreal.

It has taken me a long time to find my person, and the fact that he is half way around the world makes things a little a lot more complicated, but I am incredibly excited…anxious, scared, nervous…to get this chapter of my life started. In just one month we will be able to wake up next to each other, have actual face to face conversations and discussions and won’t have to wait months to see each other any more.  It has taken us over 5 years to get to this point and I can’t wait for February!

So much work has gone into this outcome and there is no possible amount of thanks that is big enough to give those who have given up their time, money and energy into helping us to get this point.  Every single person who has helped us, encouraged us or supported us in anyway, please know that Simon and I will be forever grateful and we thank each and every one of you.

It is real now.  I will be selling my house, shipping what is left of my little life here in Canada and will be moving halfway around the world to small town NSW/Victoria Australia.  I will be leaving my job, my family and my friends here (which I still don’t allow myself to think about because…well, it hurts too much) and will be joining my new Australian family and friends in my new home and at my new (old?!) job.  I cannot express how blessed I am to have so much love in two places. Honestly it is overwhelming and something that I really need to sit with and absorb.

Here’s to new beginnings, no matter how old you are! Now start saving…we’ve got plenty of room for visitors!

~Hugs and Love~



Eyes Completely Open But Nervous Just The Same

Happy 2017!

Well, it’s the start of a brand new year…a year, in particular, where there is a lot of change ahead for me.

I’m selling my home and condensing my life down to three suitcases, a couple of boxes and three dressers.  All with the goal of moving half way around the world from Canada to Australia.

Big. Change.

I started this blog to document my first trip (and all the consecutive trips) to Australia and am I’m happy that I have kept it as a place to continue to share all the highs and lows of having a long distance relationship and the consequences that come because of it.

With the start of this new year I have decided to put some more effort into this space and use it for a few different topics. I want to talk about the trials of moving around the world for someone, to update friends and family when I do move and I also want it to be a place to share in my experiences as a Canadian in Australia.

With that said, I also want to spend some time writing on lifestyle, food and beauty. It’s not going to be glamorous by any means but with all that is to come there will be change in all those categories for me as well. It will also give me a chance to work my creative side of my brain a bit more which has fast become a goal of mine for 2017.

I’m really looking forward to what is ahead for me, both personally and through this space, and I am grateful to have you along for the ride as well!

~Hugs and Love~



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