Take Tomorrow By The Hand

Well it has been quite a year…and I have been very absent.

A lot has happened in my life since Dec 31, 2016.

  • I have sold my home, that I spent 9 years building.
  • I let go of 95% of my belongings in Canada.
  • I said too many goodbyes and shed countless tears.

All for one really big hello.

In February 2017 I moved half way around the world to a tiny country town in New South Wales, Australia.

In the span of one week (and countless months of prep beforehand) I went from all that was familiar to something that was just recognizable.

All for love.

I am beyond lucky that I have an amazing support system in Moama and have countless people looking out for, and bending over backwards for me. It made the transition a thousand times easier and I will forever be grateful for all they have done for me, and my fiancé.

I think now, almost a year later, I am just starting to process all that has happened.

Seeing friends and family in Canada is different now as there is always a looming goodbye. Time is incredibly precious and the pressure to get visits in is almost overwhelming. Spontaneity is no longer my friend. She has been replaced with schedules and time limits. I loved being spontaneous.

Now, I am incredibly happy, lets just get that clear. I found my lobster and I love him beyond measure. But no one can prepare you enough for what it feels like to have your heart in two, very distant, places. It’s a very strange feeling to have when you don’t quite know where you belong. When ‘home is where the heart is’ and your heart is in two places at once, what, and where, is home now?

I realize that after this year, I really don’t know how to do it, to be present in two worlds when I am only physically in one. This is very unclear, and uncharted waters for me and I am looking forward to 2018 and using it as a year to figure all of this out! I am planning on using this space a lot more in 2018, to write about adventures and life in general. Hopefully it will help keep my connections strong even with the distance.

Thank you to everyone who stood by me, supported me and challenged me this year. I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and I can’t wait for 2018!

Love and Hugs


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